Author Information
Abstract submission is closed.
For the ECTC 2025 conference, the process for preparing and submitting papers and presentations involves multiple steps:
Paper Submission Process
- Use the manuscript submission website, to submit your manuscript for review on or before the deadline (Feb. 21, 2025).
- The session co-chairs manage the manuscript review process and guide you towards final submission of your manuscript (your paper) if accepted.
- Accepted papers are published in the conference proceedings. Papers that are successfully presented at the conference by the author are published online post-conference by IEEE.
- Carefully read the acceptance email sent to you regarding the necessary requirements to get your paper published, in the conference proceedings and online. Your copyright release form is also required.
- Further queries should be directed to Program Chair Przemyslaw Gromala.
Additional Resources
- For your manuscript, follow the manuscript template.
- Notable papers from past ECTC editions serve as examples of well-received submissions.
- The "Abstract" section in the final paper should reflect the manuscript's abstract, not the original submission.
- Use the Presentation Template for Microsoft PowerPoint for conference presentations in sessions 1-36.
- Read the Interactive Presentation Information PDF for further guidance for authors in sessions 37-41.
Important Dates
Check the calendar page for the paper submission deadline and the cut-off dates for reduced rates for hotel room and conference registration.